Do we really know what image we project to others? Listening to John Ballantrae's show Monday evening Blog Talk Radio (a talk show that must not be missed), John began to talk about the 8 cups, at the time I was quickly shuffling through my deck to find the card so that I could look at it while it was under discussion, I woke the next morning as something about the 8 of cups had changed!
I live on a tiny island in a small community, I don't need to watch Coronation Street or the likes as I live it, no secrets just surprises! Recently a person that shall remain anonymous, was flown off to the psychiatric hospital in Guernsey, I was shocked as were many other's, this persons attitude every time I've been in contact with them was warm, friendly, upbeat and positive, our conversations (mainly brief) always ended in a smile or a giggle.
What has this got to do with the 8 cups? For me a lot, just over a year ago, I'd hit rock bottom every day was a bad day at black rock, the luxury of having a few select friends that I could be 'my own orrible self with' was a life line for me, as was the Tarot. I remember the 8 cups appearing in a spread during that period, all I could feel was sadness and disappointment, there was nothing positive with this card what so ever, I've always said to my children there's no room for pity in life, it's a just a 'pity' I couldn't practice what I was preaching at that time.
A year on I don't recognise the person I used to be and I don't mean depression 12 months ago, I mean the person I'd become over the last 15 to 20 years! The Tarot has been a hard task master for me over these passing months, I've needed to do some serious homework. In the beginning I remember moments when was I too frightened to get the cards out....I really didn't like what I was finding out about myself, my irrational behavior in all types of situations and relationships, my innate ability to jump into practically anything without thinking, all I needed was one normal every day comment from another person and I'd be on a roll, twisting the words they had spoken, stirring my emotional cauldron, it was superb, I'd feed it with fear, power, paranoia, anger, greed and guilt. After years of practice and conditioning I had become an emotional cripple!
Any road up...a year on and thanks to Mr Tarot, I value every day I'm given and intend to live well and fully.
~So, it's not the 8 of cups that changed it was me, it's challenging to read cards and remain objective, this card has a completely different meaning to me now.......for me it's a card of wisdom,experience,acceptance and new horizons as one door closes another door opens.